Monday, May 18, 2020

Hawthorne Experiments Gone Wrong - 1854 Words

Nathaniel Hawthorne is an author whose major fiction writing has influenced the literary world greatly during the course of the nineteenth century. His work during the Romantic period represents his world view through a specific style of writing. While his literature is particularly dark in tone, his short stories show a variety of symbols, themes, and characters. â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,† â€Å"The Birthmark,† and â€Å"Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment† are three of Hawthorne’s short stories that illustrate the similar and different nuances in tone and meaning seen in his writing. One common theme found in these three short stories is experimentation. In each of the short stories’ plots, there is an experiment of some sort undertaken in order to†¦show more content†¦It is an imperfection to some, but an attribute to others. In â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,† the obvious symbol is the veil. It represents isolation and how Mr. Hooper is shunned by nearly his entire congregation because he wears the veil. The veil becomes part of Hooper, and he wants people to know that, so he keeps it on as he dies. Nathaniel Hawthorne creates these strong images to influence readers to accept and love, and to not take things for granted. Despite the fact that much of his work seems dark and gloomy, his messages are always simple and constant. The only differences between the symbols are that one was chosen by the owner, the black veil; one was given to the owner, the rose; and the other was there by no choice of the owner, the birthmark. The ways the symbols found the owners are different, but the importance of each is similar. They help drive the stories and represent a key element found in the work of author Nathaniel Hawthorne. Another common element in Hawthorne’s writing is his characters. In all three stories there are strong central male figures. Mr. Hooper in â€Å"The Minister’s Black Veil,† Dr. Heidegger in â€Å"Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment,† and Aylmer in â€Å"The Birthmark† are all strong central male figures. They have the power to alter the story’s plot. This is also representative of the society at the time of Hawthorne’s literature. Women had weaker social roles, and men were heads of households and madeShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Great Gatsby 1579 Words   |  7 Pages Nathaniel Hawthorne has written may pieces of literature that has made us dig deep inside his words to extract different meanings. He is well known for being one of the fathers of the American short story. He is considered a Dark Romantic whose perception is muddled by limits on human consciousness; where truth is uncertain and it shadows our a bilities (Moreland). He is of Puritan descendent and therefore his writing portrays anxiety, guilt, self depression and sins being passed down (Moreland)Read MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s Influence On American Literature And The Genre Of Romanticism Essay1472 Words   |  6 PagesNathaniel Hawthorne was one of the most important authors in the history of American literature and the genre of Romanticism or Dark Romanticism, due to his unique style of writing and his focus upon subjects of Puritan religion and the unknown. I consider Hawthorne an important author, due to the fact that he skillfully and accurately based his fictional writings upon happenings of colonial times, was one of the first authors to display unfortunate outcomes for his characters’ immoral choices accordingRead MoreThe Birthmark By Nathaniel Hawthorne Essay1615 Words   |  7 PagesA birthmark as referred to in this short story is the â€Å"Differences of temperament†, the inborn traits someone can develop. In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birthmark there are many different themes such as, nature versus science, and perfection. We see Aylmer struggle with his own temperament. For him the birthmark becomes the symbol of Georgiana’s flawed humanity, which he tries to alternate. Throughout the story, we come across several observances of otherness revolving around â€Å"The Birthmark†. AylmerRead MoreFrancis Bacon s The Birthmark And Rappaccini s Daughter1910 Words   |  8 Pagesto warn readers against the dangers of science. One such writer is Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hawthorne uses his stories to warn readers about the dangers of science. Heidegger’s Experiment, The Birthmark and Rappaccini s daughter, all have very tragic endings that can be traced back to science experiments. All three stories focus on very intelligent and driven scientist who try to achieve their goals at any cost. Hawthorne uses these stories as a way to contradict Bacon’s view and to state his viewsRead MoreFrancis Bacon s The Birthmark And Rappaccini s Daughter1913 Words   |  8 Pagesto warn readers against the dangers of science. One such writer is Nathaniel Hawthorne; Hawthorne uses his stories to warn readers about the dangers of science. Heidegger’s Experiment, The Birthmark and Rappaccini s Daughter, all have very tragic endings that can be traced back to science experiments. All three stories focus on very intelligent and driven scientist who try to achieve their goals at any cost. Hawthorne uses these stories as a way to contradict Bacon’s view and to state his viewsRead MoreWilliam Hawthorne s The Birthmark : Destruction And Duchess s Tragic Ending1055 Words   |  5 Pages Yana Kopylova Irene Kanurkas EAC217YA February 5, 2015 How Aylmer’s obsessive nature led to his destruction and Georgiana’s tragic ending. Nathaniel Hawthorne in his story â€Å"The birthmark† has done an exceptionally good job at developing the main characters and making them extremely dedicated to their beliefs and values. Aylmer gradually spins out of control and becomes obsessive with the idea that he can remove the birthmark from his wife’s face and is willing to do so at any cost. AylmerRead MoreThe Birthmark Character Analysis2061 Words   |  9 Pagessay â€Å"You know that one thing you do? I hate it and you need to change.† Or even worse, they look at you and say â€Å"You know, you’re really ugly.† That’s exactly what Aylmer does to his wife in the â€Å"The Birthmark,† a short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Aylmer, is a man of science that at the beginning of the story, decides that it is time for him to leave his laboratory and find a wife. He eventually marries a woman by the name of Georgiana. She has a birthmark on her cheek in the sha pe of a handRead MoreGuilt vs. Innocence, Allegories, Puritanism in Nathaniel Hawthorne2423 Words   |  10 Pagesï » ¿Sabrina Bullock Professor Erin Whitford American Literature I (409) 18 August 2013 (SumII) Grade: 88 Guilt vs. Innocence, Allegories, Puritanism in Nathaniel Hawthorne Nathaniel Hawthorne was a nineteenth century American writer that was born in Massachusetts with a Puritan Heritage. â€Å"Born in Massachusetts on the Fourth of July, 1804, he was the descendant of Puritan worthies and the son of a ship’s captain who died at sea in 1808† (Gollin). Allegories are portrayed in his writings toRead MorePuritanism in the Scarlet Letter6430 Words   |  26 Pagesthesis also presents Hawthorne’s attitude towards Puritanism. On one hand, he appreciates the Puritan thought and value; on the other hand, he condemns the negative impact of Puritan society on people’s spirit. Key Words: Puritanism, Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, Bostonï ¼Å'Hester Chapter1 â…  .Introduction A. Puritans Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter was written in 18th century. The setting of The Scarlet Letter is in the 17th century in Boston, America. Before proceeding toRead MorePuritanism in the Scarlet Letter6423 Words   |  26 Pagesthesis also presents Hawthorne’s attitude towards Puritanism. On one hand, he appreciates the Puritan thought and value; on the other hand, he condemns the negative impact of Puritan society on people’s spirit. Key Words: Puritanism, Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter, Bostonï ¼Å'Hester Chapter1 â…  .Introduction A. Puritans Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter was written in 18th century. The setting of The Scarlet Letter is in the 17th century in Boston, America. Before proceeding

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

International Trade between Australia and Japan - 579 Words

Economic growth is a steady growth in the productive capacity of the nation’s economy. Countries manage their natural resources, physical and human resources, technology and institutional framework to affect and control their outputs. Development in a country’s production never merely depends on domestic economic activities, but also on contact with other counties. With the growing interaction between buyers and sellers worldwide, communication and exchange of product and information has boosted economic growth ( Investopedia, 2014). This essay is an investigation and analysis of a international trade between Australia and Japan. It will explain the events and discuss impact on Australian economic growth. The article is about an international trade partnership set up by Australia and Japan. The aim of this partnership is to help stimulus the economic growth of two counties under the privileged import policy. On April 08, 2014, Tony Abbott completed a deal with Japanese Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe with the assurance that it would create employment for both counties (David, 2014). The two leaders both gave respective ground to allow cheaper imports, with a concession in budget revenue from tariffs in order to win consumers. The Japanese deal will substantially make Australia have free export of dairy, beef, wine, sugar, horticulture, and a range of services, while also making Japanese cars, cameras, televisions and other high-tech goods cheaper in Australia. Australia givesShow MoreRelatedEssay on Australias Trade637 Words   |  3 PagesAustralia has several ties with other countries. These ties are established in several ways, one of which is through trade. The nature of trade includes exporting and importing goods and services which form trade links with partner countries. Trade comes with its advantages and disadvantages. Australia also takes part in multilateral agreements, such as APEC, to be able to strengthen trade links. International trade is the exchange of goods and services between nations. Goods meaning tangible objectsRead MoreJapanese Australia Economic Partnership Agreement1565 Words   |  7 Pages The Japanese-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement Japanese Assessment Task Submission Date – 29th of June 2016 Word Count – 1052 By Anastasia Nikitaras On the 8th of July 2014 the Prime Minister of Australia Tony Abbott and the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe signed the Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement (JAEPA) (Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement, 2016). This agreement has allowed for support in a two-way investment for both these countries. This agreementRead MorePolitical And Legal Environment Overview Essay1413 Words   |  6 Pagespolitical environment as an arena where organisations interact with a body of laws and regulations, guiding interactions between nations, firms and various local government agencies. The political and legal environment in the home country, the environment in the host country, and the laws of agreements governing relationships among nations are all important to the international marketer. It is mandatory to comply with them to do business abroad successfully as it provides a basis and guideline forRead MoreJap A Country And The Links That Australia1428 Words   |  6 Pages in 2006, â€Å"Australia has no greater friend in Asia than Japan.† This article will give an overview of Japan as a country and the links that Australia has with this country, whether it be through culture, defence and military, tourism, trade or sport. It will also look into historical events that sparked these links and how these relationships were formed and strengthened. Finally, it will go into how these links have changed the way we see Japan, and how these links have changed Australia to what weRead MoreAustralia And Japan s Relationship1591 Words   |  7 PagesAustralia and Japan’s relationship has strengthened greatly over the last few decades. Japan has emerged from an enemy at the end of world war two to one of Australia’s most important allies today. The relationship between the two focuses on a number of areas, in particular trade, as Japan’s economy is very prosperous to Australia. Maintaining such a relationship has not always been strai ghtforward, often presenting difficulties where the countries stray in values and opinions. Diplomats from bothRead MoreExport And Import Information During Last Year1560 Words   |  7 Pages7. Export and Import Information During last year (2014) Exporting importing of goods and services, Percentage contributed to GDP and Trading Deficit: Australia is a country which highly dependent on international trade. During last year (2014), the amount of exporting of goods and services is 304.088 billion USD and importing of goods and services is 311.361 billion USD, while a trading deficit of 7.274 billion existed last year.(Figure 12 and 14). If we compare the exporting and importing amountRead MoreThe Australia-Japan Partnership1802 Words   |  7 PagesThe Australia–Japan partnership is one of Australia‘s strongest and most mature international trade relationships. The success and strength of the partnership can be attributed to the commonly held values of both countries, including a commitment to democracy, human rights and the rule of law, along with similar approaches to international security. Japan forms Australias second-largest export market and third-largest source of foreign investment. Australia is a critical supplier to Japan of cleanRead MoreAustralia s Bilateral Trade Agreements With The Trans P acific Partnership1468 Words   |  6 PagesAustralian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the nation’s relationship with China is â€Å"extensive and continues to grow in breadth and depth.   It is based on strong economic and trade complementarities and assisted by a comprehensive program of high level visits and wide-ranging cooperation activities† (People’s Republic of China Country Brief, 2014). In addition, Australia is also pursuing bilateral trade agreements with Japan and South Korea. The nation is also exploring its optionsRead MoreNew Zealand s Export And Export Essay1576 Words   |  7 Pages1. Introduction The following document gives a brief report about New Zealand’s current import and export spend and relation to other countries, industrial sector, and products. Besides, it also explains about the trade agreements in which New Zealand is party to and agreements which are under negotiation and proposed. Moreover, an export product is chosen and what are the reasons that lead to choose that particular product. Furthermore, it gives a summary about the supporting organizations thatRead MoreRelationship between China-Japan, China-Australia and China-Venezuela1191 Words   |  5 Pagesrelationships between China-Japan, China-Australia, and China-Venezuela. I am first going to start with the relationship between China and Japan. I will begin with the time frame between the years of 1949-1969. During this time, China sees Japan as a threat, which is not surprising because of Japan’s assault against China in the 1890s to 1920s, Japans brutal occupation of China in the 1930s a nd 1940s and Japan’s role in America’s containment strategy against China. China counters Japan by forming

GEOGRAPHIC United States; California; Florida; Ma Essay Example For Students

GEOGRAPHIC: United States; California; Florida; Ma Essay taxryland; Minnesota; New Jersey; New York; Tennessee; Virginia; Wisconsin state taxation, conformity with IRC;stock purchases as asset purchases, gain or loss, elections;reorganizations, controlled firm stock Transfer pricing and apportionment issues;For coverage of the conference at which this report was firstpresented, see State Tax Notes, May 31, 1999, p. 1804; 1999 STT 99-13and 1999 STT 100-19; or Doc 1999-18396 (6 original pages) and DocFor the full text of the Tennessee Supreme Courts ruling inHutton v. Johnson, see Doc 97-31594 (7 pages) or 97 STN 225-32. TASHA: PUT BOX TEXT HERE, IN BRACKETS. THEN BEGIN FULL TEXT. York. Daniel Thompson is a partner with PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, San Francisco. This paper was prepared for the Georgetown University Law Centers Continuing Education Advanced State and Local Tax Institute, held May 20-21 in Washington. (For a report on the conference, see State Tax Notes, May 31, 1999, p. 1804; 1999 STT 99-13 and 1999 STT 100-19; or Doc 1999-18396 (6 original pages) and Doc 1999-18487 (5 original pages).)A.Internal Revenue Code section 351 provides that no gain or lossis recognized for federal income tax purposes if property istransferred to a corporation by one or more persons solely inexchange for stock in such corporation and immediately after theexchange such persons are in control (at least 80 percent of thevoting stock and of the total number of all other classes ofB.The nonrecognition provisions of IRC section 351 applyregardless of whether the corporation is newly created or is anC.States generally adopt, either explicitly or implicitly, thenonrecognition provisions of IRC section 351 for incomeD.Although gain or loss may not be recogni zed for federal andstate income tax purposes, the transfer of property may besubject to sales or use tax if the transfer is not properlystructured. In many states, an exemption from sales and use taxonly applies to transfers to a newly formed corporation. If thetransfer occurs at a later time, tax will be due unless anotherexemption (such as sale for resale) applies. 1.In New York, for example, only the transfer to a corporation upon its organization in consideration for the issuance of its stock is excluded from tax. N.Y. Tax Law section 1101(b)(4)(iv)(D). (a) New Yorks regulations provide that transfers made to a dormant corporation which is being activated do not qualify for the exclusion. 20 N.Y.C.R.R. sectionBibliography: